Everythings bigger in Texas

I got to spend about 10 days in the glorious state of Texas with my amazing fiancé. My first trip to Texas was a definite success. We ate at Taste of Texas, went to Kemah boardwalk and watch the fireworks and I got to try Bluebell ice cream, the best ice cream ever. Spending every night and morning before he went to work was so great. Lyle would literally run in every night, come right up to me and hug me. It was a life that I could get used to :). I got to spend my days with my Arri and some days the other wives. As absolutely terrible as this summer has been being away from him it almost makes it worth it that one moment where I see him after so long. And I say almost because it doesn’t make up for it at all….but surprising him for his birthday was such a success. He was so cute about it except when I kept trying to eat my dinner and he just kept staring at me and saying “I cant believe you’re here!!” His lovely boss made us stand up so Lyle could introduce me and then we all sang to him for his birthday. I woke up, made him breakfast and then took him to an Astros game and then we finished the night with Texas Roadhouse. We had celebrated our birthdays in May, complete with Tucanos and presents but I could miss his 25th birthday. I hope to visit him in a few weeks again. He is dominating at his job this summer and I am so proud of him!! Keep it up babe! 42 days
xoxo CAIT xoxo

what i love about you

you dont mind carrying my vera around for me, i actually think you secretly love it…
you write Caitlin Measom on purchases you make for me…before we were even engaged haha
you facetime with LJ {my stuffed giraffe} just to make me happy
you pose in pictures like this…
or this..
or better yet this….in public.
you send me things in the mail & address them to like this…
you surprised me with a picture of the D.C temple to keep in my room so i can remember our goal!
i love that you got one for your room too
you have some pretty sweet dance moves
you handled being interrogated by my giant brother extremely well! i had to spy on you to make sure you were still alive 😉

you think star wars is cool & can easily convince me to put on a darth vader mask
you are so good with & love babies & think we are having a lot of them…hmm
you make some dang good faces. oh hey harvey dent!
you pretend to love my picture messages of my purchases. For some reason i feel the need to get your input and approval on everything & anything. you really liked this purchase…surprisingly 
you say funny things like this…
“if i droll all over you on our honeymoon its your own fault for looking so dang sexy!!!”

“i’m hot just like an oven, i need some lovin”
i’m rubbing off on him haha
me: “what if i worked at hotel california & i was a prostitute?”
you: “then i’d be your customer every night so you’d never have to do it with anyone else.”
ALL the time & serious adorable things like this
“Your smile lights up my world babe”
“i pray everyday to know that you’re the one for me and everyday i know and feel that you are the one more and more”
“growing old with you will be the best thing ever! i cant wait to spend my life with you”
“i cant get enough of your laugh and smile”
& to top it off you draw me pictures, write me letters, send me goodmorning & goodnight texts ery single day!, send me your cologne for LJ so he can smell like you, spoil me & surprise me.  See ya when you get to 75 babe. HURRY UP. p.s- to everyone else, i promise the lyle posts will slow down soon but i did just get engaged…
xoxo cait xoxo