Winter Wear: Coats Edition

Lyle and I have been home now for 5 days and I still feel like we are adjusting. We got in late Saturday night and then couldn’t fall asleep all night. The next couple days was a struggle trying not to fall asleep too early but still waking up at 3 or 4 a.m. everyday. Being back in the cold has not been a bummer on my end, I can’t say the same for Lyle. Each year I get pretty excited about all the new coats and jackets. They are definitely my Winter obsession. But finding them for a good deal is even better so I listed some of my favorites below! I may have already got a few of them with some amazing Black Friday deals. All of these are $100 or less!

Plaid Coat– this baby is over $100 off!

Trench Coat

I think every wardrobe could use a trench coat. They are perfect for transitioning through every season. Missguided has tons of coats I love and if you have a student ID it works here!

Plaid Coat

Leopard Coat– Asos also does a student discount!

I order from this website all the time. It’s super cheap but sometimes things take a long time to come and you need to read the reviews! Sometimes things don’t look the same so I check the reviews and the pictures that other people post before I order something! Everything I’ve ordered has been good!

xo Cait

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