Happy Birthday to me

In honor of my 24th bday, here’s 24 facts about me so far:
1. gold is my favorite color
2. things i love: luke bryan, soccer, jazz games, cupcakes, leopard print, the bachelor, my family
3. i like to search for the best donuts places in every city & i consume more than a person should
4. i’m that person making faces at the babies in church, i just love them
5. i’ve turned into a runner over the past couple years and run at least 2 miles 5-6 days a week
6. NYC, London & Rome are some of my favorite cities 
7. i absolutely love to travel, meet new people, try new foods & experience new cultures
8. i can tell you the exact moment i realized i loved lyle
9. i grew up in Maryland, i currently reside in Utah and I would love to eventually reside down South bc I still miss Texas all the time and want my “southern dream life” haha
10. I introduce myself to every dog I see, I just can’t resist them
11. if its Fall you can come over & try a new pumpkin recipe every day
12. I make a mean chocolate chip cookie
13. i love to cook, bake and feed people
14. Naked juices and juicing are my newest addictions
15. I’ve been married for almost 2 years & I think I am one of the most blessed people ever. He is everything I have ever wanted. I mean it 100% too. He knows exactly what to say & do when it comes to me and I hope everybody finds their own person like that 
16. I really really love puffy cheetos
17.i don’t like talking on the phone or anything grape flavored
18. i have annoying eating habits. i will pick the cookie dough chunks out of icecream, marshmellows out of lucky charms & the center out of bread, cookies, etc bc i don’t like to waste my calories so i eat the best part of things
19. i’m obsessed with making lists 
20. i have more shoes than the average girl & already designed my dream closet to house them
21. i love to go the movies, ballets,& broadway shows
22.i love 80’s music & country of course
23. i could probably be happy with like 10 different careers, i just want to do it all
24. i know every episode of friends inside and out
i look a little scary here 
my cassy is 5
Oh man I had the absolute best birthday, well as amazing as can be with my cute husband working in Texas but we celebrated with the best donuts in Utah, some shopping and dinner at Tucanos. Lyle got me the most amazing present that he shouldn’t have (and that I didn’t ask for btw). I have been eyeing those babies for over a year but then I always say we can’t spend that. He sent me chocolate covered strawberries, beautiful flowers and scheduled me a massage…even though he already went above and beyond and shouldn’t have. He finished the day with him and his lovely roomies singing me happy birthday and it was so sweet! I’m so grateful for amazing friends and family who texted, messaged or called to help make my birthday even better. Birthdays always leave me feeling so blessed and having so much gratitude in my heart for all the amazing people i have met thus far in my life. Thank you thank you thank you!! My cute Texas friend sent me an edible arrangement and my cousin got me a breakfast smoothie. I hope I can help add to everyone elses birthday the way everyone does for mine.The next day I got to come out to MD to celebrate with my family and my mom made me the most amazing cake! The buttercream frosting was to die for and as usual I ate far too much this weekend. We got to celebrate in my favorite city ever with a day trip to NYC. We saw the 9/11 memorial, explored central park, ate at levain bakery and basically walked our feet off. 
XO, Cait

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