Christmas 2016

A little behind, but here are some pictures from our Christmas. We got to head out to Utah and spend it with Lyles family. We went to Christmas parties, got all his buds together for a Christmas breakfast and meet their new additions, eat our favorite foods and spend the time with loved ones.

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We got to go up to one of our favorite places, Park City!


where everything is decorated so cute for the holidays!


Freshies Lobster Co in Park City!

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Our third virtual christmas card! At least we’re consistent…

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& we FINALLY got to meet our newest nephew Brookson. Lyle and I had 2 nephews and a niece born last February so they are all coming up on one year next month! Brookson loved us immediately 😉

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but he may have liked Murphy more…IMG_3867

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We went to the dollar store and bought murphy a ton of presents. He was seriously more fun than a child at Christmas. He opened every present by himself with such excitement hahaha! He thought every present was for him and he posed so perfectly for me in front of the tree! I also bought him this sweater that Lyle thinks is too big and Murphy isn’t a fan of but oh well.

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and we got to do one of our favorite date nights ever!

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I feel like this was the year of babies because we had tons of babies to meet! This is our cousin Kort’s sweet baby girl! I know she’s crying but I still love this picture…IMG_3924 (1)

Keeping with tradition, my Christmas morning cinnamon rolls. (Not pictured: amazing eggnogg)


A typical picture of Murphy & I…IMG_3963 IMG_3969

I told you! Another perfect baby I got to meet.

XO, Cait

This entry was posted in life.

Fridays Faves

This is always my favorite post to share. I wish everyone did posts like these so I could find new products, food, music etc. I love when people do recommendations on Insta or Facebook because I am always looking for them. Below are some things I am loving on right now, hope you find some new loves. If you have anything you especially love you should share it with me 😉 Thanks, love you all and love that it’s Friday and almost Halloweeeeen!

Bubble Clay Mask

I read about this in one of those beauty articles and since it was pretty cheap I thought I would try it. I really like it! It’s fun to put on and my skin has been really clear and pretty lately although its hard to tell if this is the sole reason since I have been really diligent in my nightly cleansing routine. I definitely think it plays a part plus it had crazy good reviews.

Clay Mask


Chocolate Covered Cranberries 

I had been all obsessed with the acai blueberry one but I tried these a couple weeks ago and now I can’t stop craving them. Can’t stop or won’t stop? Hard to say but when we were in NE I was like we need to stop for these babies ASAP!


New Music Lineup

More tunes for you guys! I’m really proud of myself for expanding my music. I always thought I had a broad love of music but thanks to Pandora and Lyle I have been expanding it even more. I’ve been on a huge Bon Iver kick ever since Lyle got us tickets to his concert in December. Lyle’s a big fan so I want to know all the songs when we go.

One Grain of Sand- Ron Pope, Bloom- Paper Kites, Unsteady- Erich Lee Gravity, Blood- The Middle East. Anything Bon Iver

Fleece/Sherpa Trend

I know you’ve seen pieces in this material everywhere. I’ve already fallen in love with a backpack, sweater and now this beautiful coat. Even when this trend goes out of style I will still be rocking it, I love the look of it. Also, Zara has the most amazing selection of coats right now. I have 4 sitting in my cart right now and I’m praying for a sale.


Zara Coat

Pumpkin everything

Long gone are the days where I follow fashion bloggers. Hello to all the food bloggers! Woo. Priorities people. Anywayy I follow lots of food places and one I am loving is Snack Cellar. I have tried Pumpkin poptarts, oatmeal (not good), cheerios, life, cookies, icecreams (the Turkey Hill with the cinnamon graham cracker swirl is amazing) and basically everything else. When all the pumpkin treats are off the shelves I will be pretty sad. If you want to find some awesome seasonal treats at Trader Joes, Whole Foods and more you should check out some of those food places…unless you are on a diet that is. I have yet to try the oreos though and I LOVE any and all oreos so I need to hurry up with that.


Love, Cait

This entry was posted in life.